How will humans Survive on mars? 

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another one of my blogs! And now, as is usual, I will address the topic, "How are humans going to thrive on Mars?" So, this morning I was reading an article about Elon Musk, a billionaire who is making our fantasies a reality. He stated that he will take humans to Mars before 2026 to live or, more accurately, to settle there for ever! Taking humans to Mars is certainly difficult, but do you believe it's conceivable to stay there without an astronaut suit after landing? Especially in the harsh weathers of mars and a weak global magnetosphere which gives an open space of harmful radiation come on Mars which makes it hard to get out often.

Humanity will have to exist on Mars with artificial habitats and a complicated life that is beyond imagination, and without water, it will be extremely difficult to survive. With all of this, humans will only be able to stay for 10 days or a few months with supplies in their spaceship. Now, if you assume we'll have various supplies flowing from Earth to Mars to keep us alive, the short answer is plainly NO. Mars is 357.17 million km distant, and it is nearly difficult to invest a substantial amount of money in just delivering the materials, and just imagine what will happen if even the space agencies launch the supplements, which have an 2/10 probability of success most of the shuttles can be destroyed due to issues in the space, Now I'm telling you this because we'll have to launch a single rocket, but we'll have to land it on Mars, and that rocket will return to Earth, and the use of comparable aircraft numerous times will only be a source of difficulties in the aircraft.

We have several more things to discuss, and this topic might be turned into a series of book, but we're done for now, and I hope people can settle on Mars and live a happy life. And, as always, I admire our scientists' knowledge, effort, and vigour.

Todays question : How will humans fight back to the radiation exposure in mars? (Comment down and I will see how many of you would answer!)

Thankyou, Vaishnav.

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