Hello there, I'm back with another important blog post. Do you want to learn more about the Russia-Ukraine War, followed by China's invasion of Taiwan? Read this entire blog to ensure you have complete general knowledge!
On February 2014, Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine, stating Putin's claim that "he needed to conduct a special military operation to protect the people from abuse and genocide," as part of the Russo-Ukrainian War. As you may know, the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) collapsed in 1991, resulting in the formation of 15 independent countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Russia is the most powerful of these. Russia is known as the USSR's successor, and it hopes to bring all of the countries together to form their old Soviet union, which is opposed by the US and Europe. Even as Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine, NATO and the United States issued numerous threat messages and sanctions.
Taking down a whole country is not easy so let's first understand what is the main reasons that it led to the invasion:- As Ukraine is a former Soviet republic it shares many same cultural activities like Russians.
- Russia has already captured most of the parts of Ukraine and supplied military personnels to pro-Russian separatists (anti government groups) which have took more than 14,000 lives!
- The European countries and the US had sent their troops to Ukraine and bordering countries that was a threat to Russia,
- The Ukraine also asked US to let them join NATO which angered Russia as it would be impossible to capture Ukraine.
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Ukraine's President |
Russia had amassed over 100,000 troops by December 2021, equipped with rocket launchers, aircraft, tanks, and even warships. Even Joe Biden's (US President) warning of economic sanctions failed to deter Russia. The Russian soldiers were not informed of the Ukrainian invasion. Belarus supported Russia's decision to keep troops and set up camps on Ukraine's border, followed by Iran, Cuba, China, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan. Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States are all supporters of Ukraine.
Today even when Ukraine is in hard times the normal civilians have grouped to fight against Russian troops and desperately want to save their country. The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy is also in the fight to see his country free and asks Russia to "stop bombing and go home". Even China and "Taliban" have asked Russia to settle down the matter by discussions.
As we all know, various countries have lined up behind Ukraine and Russia, potentially resulting in World War 3! Everyone learned the WW3 would happen on the water crisis, but no one expected it to actually focus on capturing a country. As you may know, WW2 had started because of the invasion of Germany in Poland that sounds very similar to todays situation. For your knowledge WWI claimed the lives of over 20 million people, and WW2 resulted in the deaths of 75-80 million people, we can learn that hundreds of millions of people may perish . Lets understand some problems that can be caused due to WW3:
- Many deaths resulting to economy decrease.
- A lot of pollutions due to the nuclear bombs and smoke producing weapons.
- Waste of money on increasing the troops and weaponry and treating thousand of wounded people.
- The whole world will be filled up with nuclear wastes and radiations, which will make it impossible for the humans to live.
- Cause to lack of happiness and depression for the people who don't have freedom to roam and study.
- Combating Defence Sector Corruption: What did you think was the reason Ukraine lost to Russia in 2014, not because they were weak, but because of corrupt government officials, as stated in an International Transparency Defence and Security report, which stated that the establishments were not properly checked and even not balanced, resulting in the misuse of the Defence budget, which caused inefficiency in Ukrainian soldiers and weapons. To avoid this, the International Transparency Defence and Security established NAKO (anti-corruption committee) in 2016, which resulted in the monitoring of defence companies to prevent corruption.
- Ukrainian armed forced trained on the line of NATO: Since 2014, Ukraine has made significant improvements in military skills, capabilities, and readiness thanks to NATO countries with wartime experience to guide them. Ukrainian soldiers are trained and equipped in accordance with NATO standards. Many sessions on military reforms are held, which are also attended by top military officials, and as a result, Ukraine's military changes and improves to become stronger.
- Performing military drills with NATO and US: Prior to the Russian-Ukraine conflict, Ukraine soldiers began training with US and NATO troops in early 2021, which was mentioned by the Ukraine government.(Including the Fact Turkey , US and UK have given many high tech weapons to Ukraine.)
- Civilians of Ukraine preparing for wars: In 2021 Ukraine also adopted the Total defence policy which mentions to train all the civilians of Ukraine when needed in the war, this may sound similar to countries like Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland and Taiwan. This policy even included to teach all the school students about the guns, their use and ammunition.
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